Louisiana Words (LouisianaWords.com): A Nonprofit for LBTQIA+ & Ally Writers

Louisiana Words (LouisianaWords.com) is a LGBTQIA+ and ally (soon-to-be) nonprofit organization that promotes for FREE LGBTQIA+ and ally writers who live or who have lived in Louisiana! We are here to be a creative outlet that helps uplift and inspire each other! We choose creativity over violence! We value the freedom of expression and creativity…

LouisToliverJr.com Rebooted (Updated: June 11th, 2024)

Welcome to LouisToliverJr.com Rebooted! Here, I am fun. Here, I am real. Here, I am me. For a while now, I felt like the world has only seen me in parts, but not as a whole person. So, I came up with the idea to scratch everything I have contributed on LouisToliverJr.com and start over….