Throwing Light: Episode 31 – Pride Explosion – Mama Dawn & Pup Atlas

It’s Wednesday, June 19th and Throwing Light’s guests tonight are Mama Dawn & Pup Atlas! The topic is “Encompassing Culture of Care.” We discuss the importance of respecting boundaries both physically and emotionally, ally support, pup culture, community awareness, ignorance in social spaces, & mental health.

Louisiana Words ( A Nonprofit for LBTQIA+ & Ally Writers

Louisiana Words ( is a LGBTQIA+ and ally (soon-to-be) nonprofit organization that promotes for FREE LGBTQIA+ and ally writers who live or who have lived in Louisiana! We are here to be a creative outlet that helps uplift and inspire each other! We choose creativity over violence! We value the freedom of expression and creativity…

Throwing Light: Pride Explosion (June 2024 – All Videos)

This June 2024, Throwing Light explodes with pride! When times get tough and the sense of urgency is real, we send in extra re-enforcements. Pride Explosion showcases pre-recored interviews with Laurel Li, Mama Dawn, Pup Atlas, Pup Kylo, J. Tebias Perry, & Marcus Barela. Each Pride Explosion episode has it’s on special topic which posts…

Throwing Light – The Movement w/ Guest List (Updated: June 21tst, 2024)

Throwing Light – The Movement is a unique talk show/meetup that highlights issues we normally shy away from in the LGBTQIA+ community.  No more throwing shade. It’s time to throw light. Transphobia, HIV shaming, fem shaming, drug use, racism and so many more issues that hurt us will be addressed over the course of Throwing… Rebooted (Updated: June 11th, 2024)

Welcome to Rebooted! Here, I am fun. Here, I am real. Here, I am me. For a while now, I felt like the world has only seen me in parts, but not as a whole person. So, I came up with the idea to scratch everything I have contributed on and start over….